Reasons to Heat Your Swimming Pool

A swimming pool is a great addition to homes with children, pets and seniors. But should you add heating to your swimming pool? Would it be worth the investment? The answer is yes. Adding in-pool heating to your swimming pool has the potential to provide you with a variety of advantages. And these advantages are especially well suited to large households.
1. Time with your family
When you run a busy household, it can be hard to find time to spend with your family. And even taking a drive down to the beach or local swimming pool might be too much of a drain on your limited time. But what if you owned a heated pool that you could use whenever you wanted?
The ability to heat your swimming pool means that you, your children and parents — and even your pets — can spend quality time together at the drop of a hat.
2. Ability to swim at night
At the end of a long day, when your tired body needs some relaxation, a swim can be just the tonic for your weariness. But what if it's a chilly night? A freezing cold pool is hardly an inviting prospect. With in-pool heating, you can put the kids to bed and slip into your swimming pool to unwind.
3. Swimming all year round
Although Australia has some of the best weather on the planet, it can still get a little chilly during autumn and winter. This might leave your swimming pool unused for large portions of the year — unless you heat your pool. In-pool heating means that you can swim in comfort whatever the season.
4. Therapy for sore muscles
Did you know that warm water is good for sore muscles? Warm water helps to stimulate the circulation of blood throughout your body, and this is exactly what you need when your muscles are sore after a tough workout or run. The option to slip into a heated pool after your workouts might even encourage you to keep up your exercise regime.
5. Swimming not limited by temperature
If swimming is an important part of your exercise routine, you might find that you have to limit your swimming sessions when your pool temperature is low. But if you keep your pool heated, you can swim without worrying about cramps or breathing issues.
6. Swimming for pets and seniors
Pets and seniors with arthritis or healing injuries can also benefit from in-pool heating. Warm water improves circulation, which, in turn, helps to heat up your muscles and stimulate the healing process. And since gravity is less severe when a person or pet is in water, sore joints won't be so painful in a heated pool. For older pets and seniors then, a warm pool is a place to soothe aching joints.
7. Increase in property value
If you live in an area by the coast, a swimming pool could add a substantial amount to your home's value. The same applies if you live in an area with more family homes. And, if you are worried that the heating bill might scare off potential buyers in future, you could opt to install solar heating, which is considerably more cost-efficient than other heating methods.
In-pool heating can allow you to use your pool whatever the time, weather or season. This is a great option to have when you live in a multi-generational household. Are you ready to add heating to your pool? Then get in touch with Shenton Pumps today, and we'll help you choose a heating solution that matches your household's swimming needs, and most importantly, your budget!