How to Care for My Pool Filter?

When you enjoy the crystal clear swimming pool, all you think about is the water. I can guarantee that no one is thinking about pool filter maintenance. As long as the water is clear and the temperature feels good, what else is there to think about?
The reality is that maintaining a beautiful swimming pool takes a lot of effort. Aside from the water - chemicals, and removal of visible debris - there are all the parts that require pool maintenance.
Most pool owners know that filters are a critical component in keeping your pool clean. However, they may not realize that they also need to clean the filter regularly. Keeping the filter clean ensures that the filter is performing at its best and the water is clear.
To help you master pool filter care, we've compiled some of the most frequently asked questions. We've even added some helpful tips and tricks!
Pool Filter Care: Five Frequently Asked Questions
Pool filter maintenance can be confusing. We tracked down the 5 most common questions - and answered them!
1. How Often Do Pool Filters Need to Be Cleaned?
Typically, cartridge filters need to be cleaned every six weeks. During peak pool season, you may want to check your filters at least more often. In winter, when your pool is empty, you can postpone it until 10 weeks of cleaning.
However, these time frames may vary depending on the surrounding environment. For example, if your yard has heavy tree cover, it may require more frequent cleaning, even in winter. On average, the pressure reading of the pool filter cartridge should show between 8 – 15 PSI.
2. How Many Hours Per Day Should I Run My Pool Filter?
You should run your pool pump an average of 8 hours a day to properly circulate and clean the water. Residential pool water only needs to be turned over once a day for proper filtration. However, you don't have to run your pool pump continuously. For example, you can choose to run for three hours in the morning before going to work. When you get home in the late afternoon, just turn it on for another 5 hours!
3. Is It Better to Run the Pool Filter at Night or During the Day?
It's best to run a pool filter during the hottest time of the day. That's because the sun can cause chlorine depletion in swimming pools. So if you run the pump at night, the sun will have a full day to attack the chlorine in the pool. This can cause the algae to bloom quickly, which can lead to bigger problems. However, you may not want to have your pump running for 8 hours at noon due to energy costs or other reasons. In this case, aim for at least 3 hours a day. Then divide the rest of the time between morning and evening or evening.
4. Can I Leave the Pool Filter on for 24 Hours?
You can, but it's unnecessary and may increase your energy bill! While it is generally recommended that all pool water be filtered every 24 hours, the pump does not need to be running all the time. Filtration for 8 hours in 24 hours is sufficient.
5. How Do I Know When My Pool Filter Needs Cleaning?
When the pressure gauge rises 8 PSI above normal operating pressure, the pool filter element needs to be cleaned. Keep in mind that the pressure reading of the pool filter element should typically show between 8 – 15 PSI.
Also, when the time interval between pressure increases begins to decrease significantly, the filter element may need to be replaced.
Pool Filter Maintenance: How to Clean Different Types of Filters
To clean the cartridge filter, first, turn off the pump. If the filter is below the water level in the pool, there should be a valve that must be closed to prevent the pool from draining while the filter is open. Make sure to close them before continuing.
Open the vent valve at the top of the filter and the drain at the bottom of the filter. This will drain the water. Then open the body of the filter. This might involve unscrewing some knobs, removing the nuts on the top, or removing the brackets. Remove the cart or cart. Make sure you note their location and orientation so you can easily reassemble the device!
Rinse the filter canister and bring the cart to the area you want to clean. All you need is a garden hose with a nozzle. Wash the carts from top to bottom, aligning them 45 degrees down.
Always remember to clean the outside and inside. In fact, it's a good idea to start at an identified point on the cart and clean along the way. Then you will repeat inside. When done, reassemble the filter, close the drain, and open any closed valves. Then turn the pump back on. When the water is steadily flowing out of the vent valve, close it and you are all set. If the pressure after cleaning does not return to the standard starting pressure, a more thorough cleaning is required. That's when it's best to call a professional to have your filter repaired.
The sand filter will have a push/pull main valve or a multi-position valve (multi-port). When changing the position of the main valve, the pump must be turned off first. Next, make sure any valves on the drain/waste line are open. Make sure you have the drain hose connected and pushed out where you want the dirty water to go.
After turning off the pump, move the lever to the "BACKWASH" position and restart the pump. Most multiports have a viewing glass so you can see debris coming out of the filter. Other filters will have a section of clear tubing on the backwash line. The water will run clear for a while, then get dirty, then run clear again. When the water in the glass is clear, turn off the pump. If you have a multi-port valve with a "flush" setting, switch to that setting. Otherwise, switch to "Filter" and run the pump for about 15 seconds.
Repeat the backwash cycle. Finally, reposition the valve back to its normal "filter" position and you're all set.
Note that this process removes water from the pool. So be sure to pay attention to the water level and don't start the cleaning process if it's already low.
There are 2 varieties of DE filters. The first type uses a push/pull or multi-port valves for cleaning. With this DE filter, the cleaning procedure is exactly the same as cleaning a sand filter (see above). The only difference is that most of the DE are removed along with the dirt. So you have to add more after cleaning the filter.
Because backwashing will not remove all of the DE, only 80% of the filter requirement is added. Sometimes it is necessary to turn on the DE filter and do more work by cleaning. In this case, it is best to call a professional.
Another DE filter utilizes a handle to move the internal components up and down. This will knock the DE and dirt off the filter to the bottom. It's called a "bump filter". To clean the bump DE filter, turn off the pump and open the top air valve for about 5 seconds. Close it again, then slowly push down on the handle, then quickly lift it up 5 times. Restart the pump and check if the psi drops more than 2psi. If so, you're all set and you don't need to add any new DEs to the filter.
If it doesn't drop enough, repeat the collision process. Remove the plug at the bottom of the filter and run the pump for an additional 30 seconds. Replace the stopper, open the top air valve and run the pump until water comes out of the air valve. Doing the whole process twice, you will be able to add 80% of the filter requirements, just like any other type of DE filter. As with other types, a more thorough cleaning is sometimes required.
Bottom Line on Pool Filter Care
In conclusion, pool filter care is a necessary job. It should be done about every six weeks, depending on the type of filter. If this seems like a lot of work or a lot of details to keep track of, call a professional. This way, you can keep your filters in top condition, working at full capacity to keep your pool water clear. But if you want to buy a new pool filter or pool pump, welcome to contact us.
MAYGO is a professional custom pool pump, pool filters, and accessories supplier. MAYGO POOL focuses on providing professional technical solutions for residential and commercial swimming pools. At present, we have provided swimming pool solutions to thousands of customers in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, etc.